Thursday 20 January 2011


Our Gymnasium organised a "Flick the switch" conference during which we explained the main aims of this project to the school. Students made presentations about electricity consumption and lighting, some even made video presentations. Overall, during the conference all students discovered new ways to save electricity.
The school held a competition to design the following logo “switch off the light“. The logo design which was awarded first place was used to create stickers. These stickers were then displayed in every classroom to remind us all to switch the lights off. This is the logo which won the first place.
Here are some other logos which were presented for the competition.

 The main objective of the project, in our school, is to provide students with the necessary data related to our energy consumption. A 17 year old student is responsible for collecting data from school administration and posting it on the school notice board for all students to view.

This is the diagram showing the power consumption in our school. You can see the power consumption for 2009, when the Flick the Switch project stared.

On 15th of January, 2010, students measured the lighting of work places in most classrooms, with the use of a luxometer. The normal rate is 300 lx. The lighting in many classrooms met the requirement while in some cases it even exceeds the normal level. Therefore, the conclusion was drawn that our classrooms are properly lit, however, all lights should not be switched off during the lessons.

Julius Janonis gymnasium also participated in the “Išjunk šviesą“(Flick the switch) poster competition. All posters were very original. In fact, one girl even made a model house full of handy tips about energy saving.
The school organised a "Flick the switch" conference where we explained the main points about electricity consumption to parents. So during this conference, parents learned some new ways on how to save electricity.

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